1. Hiring for Clojure

    I recently got an email of a friend of a friend looking for Clojure opportunities. I asked around on Twitter to find out who's currently hiring, and got a lot of responses. If you were thinking of making the jump to doing Clojure professionally there...

  2. Exploring Ruby Macros

    Macros are one of those language features that divide programmer communities. Some swear by their stupendous power, others reject them with a ferocity as if they are the breed of Satan.

    When asked Matz has always made his position clear: there is...

  3. The Amazing LISP Vim

    Why Vim users will switch to Emacs in the coming years.

    I've recently stated that within the next five years half of Vim users will switch to Emacs. And while the exact time span and percentage are debatable, I stand by that statement. I think a number...

  4. The Unhappy Lambda

    tl;dr: Progress on The Happy Lambda is currently blocked, because I didn't think it through before starting, and because functional programming in Ruby sucks.

    It's over half a year now since I started this project. I've gotten a lot of support since...

  5. Rails is No Longer Alone

    This is an article I've been meaning to write for a while. I was pushed over the edge by Adam Hawkin's post Fragmentation in the Ruby Community. Adam writes that fragmentation in the community is accelerating, and that Rails is a major fault line....

  6. HTML and URI's in Javascript

    I have written and spoken a few times about the perils of string arithmetic on formal data. Those talks were focused on theory and fundamentals, in this post you'll get very practical tips.

    When programming for the web there are two types of formal...

  7. Syck vs Psych: Differences and Conversion

    YAML (rhymes with camel) is a data serialization format designed to be both human and machine readable. It's distinguishing features are use of semantic whitespace, and support for a rich set of built-in and user defined types.

    While not the inventor...

  8. Audio Compression for the Rest of Us

    It's the onset of summer, and tomorrow you'll be trotting off with your bff's to the biggest bestest music festival in decades. Full of anticipation you fall asleep… and suddenly find yourself transported to the festival grounds, the main act is just...

  9. White Ribbons

    The Ruby is world is known to be a happy place. Rubyists are friendly, relaxed folks who like to party and have a good time. And it's an inclusive community as well, just look at Rails Girls, Railsbridge, or the couple of speakers who do the conference...

  10. Hacking a Presentation with Mdpress

    Last weekend I had the chance to speak at the RuLu conference in Lyon, France. I've spoken at user groups before, but this was my first time speaking at a proper conference.

    Before I typically would use OpenOffice to prepare my presentations, like...